Correction Report PRB: Retroactive Effect from January 2013

10 years, 11 months ago - May 20, 2013
Correction Report PRB: Retroactive Effect from Jan
The report Dev Manraj on "Errors and Omissions" the Pay Research Bureau will be applied with retroactive effect from January 2013, Navin Ramgoolam announced Monday. Readjustments of the PRB in 2013 cost Rs 1 billion in additional countries.

Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, unveiled on Monday evening May 20, the patch PRB report 2013. This revision, said the head of government, " will benefit officials at the bottom of the ladder . "

And a "General Worker", which currently receives a salary of Rs 11,399, will see an increase of 33% compared with the Manraj. It should touch Rs 15,175 while the 2013 report recommended Rs 12,800.

A "police constable" with a current salary of Rs 23,670 now receive Rs 30,575, an increase of 29%.

The increase is more significant for the "Educators" primary. The patch report increased wages of this category of employees by 51%, from Rs 24,270 to Rs 36,575.
The wages of "Nursing Officers' also experiencing strong growth. He spent Rs 25,870 to Rs 36,575. This represents an increase of 41%.

Finally, the PRB in 2013 cost the country Rs 5, 6 billion.


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