3rd Edition of Web Cup

mai 23, 2015 | 09:00 - avril 24, 2015 | 20:00
Rose Hill - Quatres Bornes, Cyber Tower 1 Ebène Cyber-city
Contacts: http://gis.govmu.org
Web Cup 2015, a 24-hour website creation challenge, will be held on 23 and 24 May 2015 at Cyber Tower 1 Ebène Cyber-city. Inscriptions are now open till Monday 4 May 2015.
Web Cup aims at rewarding talent in the ICT field particularly as regards the design and production of websites.  In line with regional cooperation in the ICT sector, the event will be held simultaneously in Réunion Island, Madagascar, Comoros, Seychelles and Mayotte.  The international final is expected to be held in Mayotte.
Proceeding today with the launching of the competition for Mauritius during a press conference in Port Louis, the Minister of Technology, Communication and Innovation, Mr Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, said that, currently, structural problems of an economy are often resolved through innovative technologies.  Hence, Governmental actions are focusing on the technology and innovation sector, he stressed.
According to the Minister, it is within this framework that innovative ideas are being encouraged through, amongst others, the implementation of a National Innovation Programme to the tune of Rs 125 million, and by connecting Mauritius to a third submarine fibre optic cable to allow Mauritius get better internet access and stimulate competition.  These initiatives will be beneficial for the economy at the level of enterprises and operators and will also help in reducing the digital divide, he pointed out.
The holding of Web Cup, further stated Minister Jugnauth, falls as such in line with Government’s philosophy since the digital challenge remains at the foundation of this competition.  The aim is to bring to the forefront talents of the new generation who will be called to become stakeholders in a digital economy as bearers of hope, particularly in the quest of making the second economic miracle a reality, he added.
Web Cup Mauritius
The event is at its third edition. Originality, creativity, design, content and technology are amongst the criterion taken in consideration to distinguish the winners.  Three prizes will be awarded to winners. The first edition of Web Cup Mauritius was held on 18 and 19 May 2013 at the Cyber-tower in Ebène Cyber-city.
The competition is open to participants (companies, students, professionals, amateurs) who will be teamed up and assigned a topic with the challenge of staying awake during 24 hours to create a website.  A maximum of 20 teams, out of which two will be from Rodrigues, will be selected within two categories namely professionals - 5 teams (competing in the name of their companies) and amateurs – 15 teams (comprising students and individuals).  Competitors are expected to come with their own equipment (materials and computers).
The organisers of Web Cup Mauritius are Outsourcing and Telecommunications Associations of Mauritius (OTAM), Mauritius IT Industry Association (MITIA) and Chambre de Commerce et d’Industrie France Maurice (CCIFM).  This national event is partnered by the Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation in collaboration with sponsors specialised in the ICT sector.