Presentation Skills

janvier 01, 2014 - mars 01, 2014
Organized by: Open University Of Mauriti
Entrance is: 3300 Rs
Document you will get: Certificate
Contacts: (230) 4038200
Presentations skills and public speaking skills are very useful in many aspects of work and life. Effective presentations and public speaking skills are important in business, sales and selling, training, teaching, lecturing and generally entertaining an audience.

Course outline

1. Grooming

Creating a favourable impression during a presentation is a challenge. Whether you are preparing for an interview or trying to make a good impression in the workforce, good personal grooming is essential. One of the most basic tenets of etiquette is indeed the practice of good grooming.

The objectives of the lesson are to:

  • To enlighten students on the importance of grooming
  • To demonstrate the outcome of non-grooming
  • To develop an understanding on the various steps underpinning grooming

2. Effective Presentation

Emphasis is laid on the structure of an effective presentation before an audience which includes preparation/ planning, audience analysis, grooming, language slang/pronunciation, presentation tools, eye contact, among others.

The objectives of the lesson are to:

  • To enlighten students on the importance of effective presentation
  • To demonstrate the importance of emotion and to motivate an audience
  • To develop an understanding on the various steps involved in the conceptualisation of an effective preparation

3. Use Of Visual Aids In Presentation

A visual aid is a non-verbal representation of ideas that works hand-in-hand with the verbal one to create effective presentation. Visual aids may be placed on a continuum ranging from conventional to technological. Examples of popular visual aids might include writing boards, flipcharts, video, overhead projectors, PowerPoint. These aids are important in presentations because they help to illustrate factors that are hard to visualize.


  • To enlighten viewers on the importance of visual aid
  • To familiarise viewers with the various types of visual aids available for presentation
  • To discuss the appropriateness of each visual aid
  • To strengthen viewers’ capabilities on visual aids preparation

4. Stress/ Anxiety Management

For most people, making a presentation is an unpleasant task as speaking in front of people (especially when those people are your coworkers or superiors) can be intimidating and stressful. Ultimately, your nervousness will have a negative impact on the actual content and efficiency of your presentation. However, don't let stress overcome you during a public presentation. If you have practised until you know your material inside out, you have already won most of the battle.


  • To familiarise viewers with the causes of the anxiety during presentation
  • To enlighten viewers on the symptoms of stress
  • To develop an understanding on strategies to reduce stress
  • To develop an understanding on the various phases of stress management
  • To fortify and enhance confidence level of presenters for any presentation 

Application from 18 of November 2013 to 02 of December 2013

Details (Open University Of Mauritius site)