Maximizing Board Contribution

avril 12, 2016 | 08:30 - avril 12, 2016 | 16:30
Hennessy Park Hotel
Entrance is: 16500 Rs
High-performing companies require highly effective boards that are balanced and focused on ethical company growth. Such boards depend upon each director being able to maximise his or her contribution, as well as the board as a whole being able to function as an engaged team that maximises its collective contribution.

This one-day workshop is a practical and engaging learning experience focused on how directors and boards can maximise contribution – individually and collectively.

The Sirdar Contribution Compass is the cornerstone of this journey – a profiling approach that enables you to understand both your area of maximum contribution to a board or company and how you can leverage the most value for yourself and for the organisation. When there is a balance of natural energy around a board room table, there is a much more effective flow, and in turn results, for the directors and the business as a whole.


The following areas will be covered:

  • Continuous improvement as a director and
  • Maximising your contribution to your board
  • Selecting and appointing a board to maximise collective contribution;
  • Learning how to support fellow directors to maximise their contribution in the board room.

Facilitators: Carl Bates