This last week of May is full of concerts. Susheela Raman, the Londoner of Indian origin will occur on stage at the Mahatma Gandhi Institute (MGI), this Saturday, May 26, at 20 hours. The internationally renowned singer does not let the Mauritian public indifferent.
At a press briefing this Wednesday, May 23, Rama Poonoosamy, agency director Immedia, emphasized that tickets for the concert only one that is known the world music diva was passed before the end of April. The artist will also give a concert in the sister island.
" The singer treads the soil of Mauritius on Friday. It will give a concert at MGI and another at the Meeting, Monday, May 28 , "says Rama Poonoosamy.
Regarding the second event, Immedia invites Mauritians in concert Earth Wind and Fire Experience, Wednesday, May 30 at Swami Vivekananda Conference Centre at straws.
The band was formed around the guitarist of Earth Wind and Fire, Al McKay, who will be featured at the concert next Wednesday. It occurs also in Reunion. Tickets are still available from the agency in Otayo and Immedia. Prices range between Rs 450 and Rs 1400.