Year And Review: Some Tips To Help You

10 years, 6 months ago - October 09, 2013
Year And Review: Some Tips To Help You
The exams are finally here and there are only the latest minor revisions to do.

What student has not dreamed of finding the trick , the trick , the potion that will make him easily store hundreds of pages of lecture notes ? Lucie Leve Hang, Math teacher and "Additional math " and now Deputy Rector at Loreto College Curepipe , kindly give some tips that may be helpful in this time of testing.The day of the exam , what to do and what not to do ? It is often ( if not always) stressed the arrival of exams. This does not really help us ! Spotlights , with the help of Leve Hang, offers you tips and tricks to tackle these finals in serenity and confidence . Here are a few tips that should give you a boost.
Before the examination
For Lucie Leve Hang, the trick is to be organized and to stay calm in any situation. Here are his tips ...It already must you prepare your bag for the day . Especially , check the "time table" , the paper that you compose , the date and time when you compose it . It also suggests that a family member at least is aware of your "time table" . This could for example help if you're wrong schedule .In the morning when you wake up , take a deep breath , make a vacuum in your head and relax for a minute before you start your day. Especially good lunch in the morning empty stomach full as it is generally thought best. Avoids making a final revision before the exam, it is completely unnecessary and will only stress you more . What you know , you know ! The rest you can no longer do it . If you're well prepared you , do you trust and do not worry about the rest.Also avoids talking about the paper with your friends to try to guess what it will contain . This will only further stress you.
During the examination
During the examination , it is important to read the questions . To read each question at least twice to understand, and highlights key words , advises Leve Hang. First answer those whose answer is known and then back to the other . If a question bothers you too much, do not waste time on ... skips , even if it later . Do not spend too much time on issues that are not worth a lot of points and focus your efforts on issues big scores. One question at a time : now focuses on the present moment ... trying to forget the other stuff that might disturb you, do not think that the question you are trying to solve.If , in the middle of the exam you have a total vacuum , especially not panic . If you're too stressed, take a few minutes , layer your head on the desk to evacuate . Then , take a few deep breaths , trying to empty . This should allow you to relax a little . Then refocus yourself on the issue. At the end , when you think you've made ??the rounds of all the questions and there is time , do a final review to make sure you have been searching for all possible points.
After the examination
It is useless to speak of the paper. What 's done is done . Go outside a breath of air. Pay yourself a little treat . Relax ! The worst is over .The ideal for any revision at home is to settle in a quiet, clean and intimate sit comfortably . Add soft music if desired . Take a break of at least 10 minutes for every hour worked . But it is absolutely necessary to avoid television or loud music .
" The revisions do not start on the eve of exams "
The belief that wanting to be more effective under pressure last minute is perhaps true that if we did field work before. It is therefore important to set time each day or each week to review the examination. The few days preceding the exam are the perfect time to do a final review .All this is even more effective when approaching exam periods . Must establish an order of priorities in the study examined. Note the exam dates . Also be worth knowing how the various examinations to pass, you can determine the amount of study required for each. Finally , do not be discouraged by a task but think the success or pride when we have acquired all over.
A good big sleep aid
For many, the examination time seems synonymous with sleepless nights or lack of sleep. However, this strategy is not no use to ensure the success of the tests. Instead, the lack of rest can reduce the powers of memory and understanding. The brain needs time to recover . Moreover , sleep can be a good opportunity for the integration of new learning if a period of study is followed by a deep sleep. So there is no point to forgo sleep during exam periods .
One must eat
Even if time is short, the examination period is certainly not the time to skip meals. In fact , the body needs energy to function properly. However , light meals are to promote , along with healthy snacks. It is important to avoid abuse of sweets or caffeine , taken in large quantities , have a detrimental effect on the study.
One two, one two ... exercise is good too
Nothing beats some physical exercises to ensure they are in good shape during exam periods . Move and turn makes it possible to recharge the body and remain active, which reduces the risk of excessive laziness. Some stretching or move a little in the middle of a study session , this kind of break invigorates the brain and body.
Tips to avoid stress
Just to use a happy memory . If you stress during an examination , remember a good time that you experienced a time when you felt particularly good and relaxed . The following can help you to " revive " a pleasant memory : starts with finding the images of the memory at the precise moment when you felt good : still see where you were. Then think of the sounds, the sounds associated with the memory , and finally found the other sensations (relaxation, well-being) that you lived at that time . Already now , take some time to look somewhere in your memory a good memory. Maybe you are able to call on your next exam .You can also bring with you a lucky object . This may be a shell, a room, etc. . It is not necessary that these objects are clearly visible on the desktop , you can simply slip into the pocket . The important thing is that the object that you would particularly like you to provide relaxation.Our brain is like a garden , you can grow it and maintain all kinds of beautiful thoughts. If one has to think more often positive than negative elements to aspects , our stress levels will lower and wins in all spheres of our lives.
What do you do when the exam paper arrives on your desk ?
The approach under consideration is very important. The two preferred by a large number of students approaches some first read all exam questions to answer later starting with the easiest questions. Other rather prefer to read the first question, answer it, then move to the second , and so on , unless you have read all the questions.
What could be the solution?
Imagine this: as soon as the exam paper arrives at your office , you turn to hide the questions and write on the back of the building blocks of matter that you have a hard to remember. Write these ideas in short , very quickly , you simply clear the mind , to bring you some intellectual relaxation. And this , without knowing if there is an exam question on this subject , but if there is one, you already get all the items.Then takes five or ten minutes at the most at the beginning of the review period to read each question slowly and carefully and immediately note in the margin of the questionnaire response elements in the form of keywords. Reading the first question , note the key elements of response ( in pencil ) as keywords in the margin do not forget ; same for the second question. The third question is more difficult, but notes some answers immediately, without you linger longer (so that your stress does not increase too much this time ) . The fourth question is really hard and remember only one thing : the answer would have a relationship with an example that the teacher gave , example which can be found on the page of your course notes where you used your lot " highlighter " yellow , then write in the margin " ex prof ... yellow page " . ! Do not stress over and goes to the fifth question. Again you write in the margin of the answers .And you have before you all you need to answer a little more than three out of five questions , back to question 3 and spend some time trying to find the other answers , same for the fourth question . After 10 minutes at the most, you should have before you a lot of answers. There you just have to write with your keywords definitive answers to questions beginning with the first question.Good work and good luck ... !

Text by Le Mauricien

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