Solar Water Heater: 3rd Phase Switched

12 years, 1 month ago - January 10, 2013
Solar Water Heater: 3rd Phase Switched
Roshan Seetohul, Chairman of DBM, announced the kickoff of the third phase of the solar water heaters.

"We invited the press, because we want to play the card of transparency. The criteria for the 20 000 applications were made on the principle of first come, first served. "He recalled that the first phase of this project started in 2008 demand was around 24,000 solar water heaters. For the second phase (2012), the DBM has processed 14 000 applications and 6 to 13 October 2012, the third phase, 42,131 applications, including 10,859 by telephone or in person and 31,272 online. The 20,000 successful applications are those submitted between Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 October between 9 am and 17 pm 21.

According Seetohul Roshan, Phase 3 was more than commendable. "There was a craze from the Mauritians for solar water heaters. We were overwhelmed with 40,000 requests, click to the green attitude. We selected the folder for those who were the first to come to register and who have received no solar water heater in the first phase or second phase of the project. "And for those who have applied online" Number Allocated on electronic mail at time of implementation is only a reference number and Has No relation to ranking. Ranking has-beens Determined Effective merging manual and on-line application reference number selon date and time of application. '

The 20,000 selected will receive their letter of DBM at the end of this month. They will then go to the Head Office of the DBM on the date specified on the mail, carry their identity card and an invoice from the CEB or CWA as proof of address. The Government has provided funds to the tune of Rs 200 million for the third phase.

Rookum Aubeeluck project coordinator, said for his part that the third phase of the project differs from others because a Grant Coupon will be issued in the name of the recipient of solar water heaters. "This coupon valid for a period of three months, gives the owner time to choose solar water heater, where he wishes. And if the provider is an infinite time to deliver his order, he may buy from another supplier. "Those who want more information can call 2123044 or visit the portal


Text by Le Mauricien

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