This is a decision that the opposition leader was described as "retrograde" reintroduce the football clubs in the manner of Hindu Cadets, Cadets or Tamil Racing Club of yesteryear. But Tuesday, 3 December, the government proves that he intends to go ahead with well this measure announced in the budget. The lively debate on the Sports Bill to be presented in the second and third readings in Parliament today are well planned. And there will be more to the Minister of Sports and Youth trying to convince the opposition that had been particularly warned against a revival of "communalism" with this football revival.
On the other hand, in addition to committee review of budgetary allocations, the Local Government (Amendment) Bill will also be presented in the second and third readings by the Minister of Local Government, Hervé Aimée. Bill will also be examined in committee. A project that has been classified as an urgent by the Prime Minister.
At the adjournment, a question from the member Françoise Labelle will also be raised. It focuses on the plight of Supply Teacher working in Prévoc sector. One question that will be addressed to the Minister of Education, Vasant Bunwaree.