In fact, in this bank, it is emphasized that only 35 out of 120 employees will retain their positions. But if our source does not refer to loss of employment, it nevertheless confirms that those selected will be selected after interview with new bosses. The rest of the workforce, she says, will be redeployed in other parastatal bodies such.
This does not displease lack unionists. "We know nothing about the negotiations and we hear that only 35 of the 210 employees will be retained" , denounces the President of the Staff Association DBM , Dadoo Bhugurutty. In the absence of clear answers, the union, in a letter remained unanswered so far, issued an ultimatum to the authorities. "We gave the Department until May 19.If you still do not contact us to negotiate, we will daily sit-in on the street La Chaussee, 12 am to 12: 30 pm " said Dadoo Bhugurutty.
It's Monday the decision of the sit-in was taken. The terms of this event may surprise as 30 minutes during which she will coincide with lunch and will not affect the operation of the DBM. Dadoo Bhugurutty explains that it is above all to send. Message "We want the government to know that we are angry and draw public opinion on our situation" , he said.
Our source in the DBM stresses that discussions with the union will be incurred "in due course", explaining that it is still premature since only a draft agreement was circulated at the moment.
The guarantee provided to the National Assembly on Tuesday, April 1, about the fact that nobody would be forced to opt for Voluntary Retirement Scheme was not enough to reassure. "-What happens to the rest of the employees ? They will surely be redeployed, but then, what will be their future? " he asks.