Grant-in-Aid Scheme: education reviews its copy of free preschool

1 year, 4 months ago - October 14, 2023
Grant-in-Aid Scheme: education reviews ...
One educator for 15 students instead of 25; The Grant of Rs 400 per student maintained for schools which will not join the system

The Ministry of Education has revised the criteria for the Grant-in-Aid Scheme for free preschool from January 2024. This approach is part of the perspective of encouraging more nursery school managers to join the system. The educator-student ratio has been revised downwards, the five Credits criterion will not be imposed on those already in position and with experience. The Grant of Rs 400 per student will also be maintained for pre-primary schools, which will not join the system.

After a first presentation of the criteria for the formula for free preschool a few weeks ago, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Leela Devi Dookun-Luchoomun, had to revise her copy, in order to satisfy a greater number . Which, according to school officials, could have been avoided if there had been consultation at the start. Still, the VPM took into consideration the concerns expressed by professionals in the sector.

Firstly, the educator-student ratio was revised downwards. In the initial version of the project, one educator was needed for each group of 25 students. However, many felt that the number was too high. The figure has been reduced to 15. Which means that schools with a larger number of students will be able to retain their staff. And those who do not have enough will have to recruit.

On this subject, the obligation for educators to have five Credits to comply with the regulations of the Public Service Commission will not be applied to those already in position. Due to their experience and the fact that some hold a certificate in Early Childhood other than that granted by the Mauritius Institute of Education. They will be considered Grade C Teachers or Assistant Teachers. However, they will have to commit to obtaining a Certificate in Preschool from the MIE. On the other hand, recruits must hold all five Credits.

This change removes a weight from the shoulders of nursery school managers who had embarked on a race to recruit qualified staff since the presentation of the eligibility criteria. As a result, this also helps preserve jobs.

Another change: schools that choose to remain outside the system will continue to receive the Grant of Rs 400 per student. At this announcement, there were silent comments in the room: “if you want to know what you are doing…”

Another clarification provided by the VPM: the government will cover the rent. Managers will have to present their Rent Books to the ECCEA. Schools with 101 or more students will be allowed to recruit an Assistant Manager. A School Attendant will be responsible for 50 children with a maximum of five per school.

After the presentation, a new deadline until October 16 was granted to schools wishing to join the system. According to the Ministry of Education, 625 schools out of 775 have joined the system, representing a population of 18,500 students.

Text by Le Mauricien

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