This situation is all the more worrying as the online directory appeared empty, without any judgment from the Supreme Court or other courts on the island. After several hours of intervention, the technicians identified the cause of the malfunction: a major computer bug which paralyzed the entire Supreme Court system. Access to the site was finally restored during the day.
Even though Supreme Court judges are currently on leave, the register remains operational and judgments continue to be regularly produced. Initially, users could still access the site's home page. However, the situation worsened on Tuesday morning when the site became completely inaccessible, displaying an error message: “The website encountered an unexpected error. Please try again later.”
Faced with this major outage, technicians from the IT department were quickly mobilized to resolve the problem. After several hours of intervention, they identified the computer bug. It had the consequence of rendering the site inoperable, thus hindering access to crucial information on the judgments rendered.
This incident highlights the vulnerability of computer systems, even within institutions as crucial as the Supreme Court. Computer glitches can have far-reaching impacts, compromising access to essential legal information for the public, lawyers and others in the justice system. But the responsiveness of the technicians made it possible to resolve the problem and restore access to the site.
However, this situation highlights the need to strengthen the robustness of the IT infrastructures of judicial institutions to avoid such interruptions and ensure the continuous availability of judicial information.