Anil Bachoo is back on the grill to Parliament on Tuesday. The Leader of the Opposition, Alan Ganoo, ask about the allocation of contracts for five projects worth Rs 30 billion. These include the " T-Junction "at the height of the MITD to Pont Fer Phoenix, building a bridge Sorèze, the second phase of construction of the Ring Road and the other two relate to the Dream Bridgeand the Harbour Bridge . Alan Ganoo will also focus on these projects at the bidding.
In a second step, other questions about the case involving the former Attorney General , Yatin Varma and Jeannot family will be debated in Parliament. MMM MP, Rajesh Bhagwan ask the Prime Minister Navin Ramgoolam, details of the many overseas missions Maurice Allet, President of the Mauritius Ports Authority (MPA).
The deputy of the MSM, Mahen Jhugroo and former Minister of Local Government, Joe Lesjongard also question the prime minister about the case Varma. They want to have details on the steps to follow.