"Political Vendetta" claims Pravind Jugnauth since formal charge, March 15, for conflict of interest in the acquisition by the State of Medpoint clinic for the sum of Rs 144 million in 2010. "I expect this trial standing firm and I will prove my innocence," he says. The leader of the MSM has even promised a surprise Navin Ramgoolam at trial.
What is this surprise? According to lexpress sources, the lawyers of defence will claim memos from Cabinet that report the decision to buy the clinic of Dr. Krishan Malhotra, the brother Pravind Jugnauth. So far, the former finance minister was denied access to Cabinet documents.
Pravind ugnauth had btained a judgment in March 2012, the permission to view these documents the headquarters of the anti-corruption commission. But he refused to go to the ICAC. It seems that even today is basing his defence on the famous memos.
If found guilty of conflict of interest, Pravind Jugnauth faces a maximum sentence of ten years in prison, according to Article 35 (2) of the Prevention of Corruption Act . If convicted before a general election, it will probably remain so call and MP. Pending the appeal judgment, it will certainly be a candidate in the legislative elections that are scheduled later in November 2015.
However, his opponents have a strong case against him. "Why vote for someone who stands to lose his seat?" will not hesitate to repeat the red and blue candidates. But if the leader of the MSM manages to prove his innocence at trial, he will be in a strong position.