The realignment of salaries announced for last March has been postponed to a later date. The consultant hired by the government has already submitted its report. However, it is the officers of the Ministry of Labor who take time to finalize the file.
The report on salary relativity, announced with great fanfare for the end of March, remains in the drawers of the Ministry of Labor for the moment. The outcry from unions and employers pushed the supervisory authority to review its copy.
Unequal pay between employees, service time and company capacity pose problems.
Announced as an easy operation to review salaries in the private sector, the introduction of the minimum wage at Rs 16,500 in January, the report on salary relativity will not be published immediately, the Minister of Labor conceded Thursday.
The implementation of the recommendations of this report poses a problem for the private sector three months after the entry into force of the minimum wage. The employers made it clear to the government that the readjustment of wages would be fatal for several sectors of the economy. The minimum wage of Rs 16,500, the salary compensation of Rs 1,500 to 2,000 paid since January to employees, are considered as a huge additional cost by private companies.
For the union class, the lack of formal consultations for the drafting of this report is unacceptable. In April, several meetings took place between unions and executives of labor ministers. Many technical points were raised. These elements led the Ministry of Labor to rework certain aspects of the report on wage relativity and to delay their implementation while waiting to find a better formula to satisfy everyone.