The Ministry of Energy and Public Utilities is preparing a 20 year plan (2014-2033) where 80 per cent of households will be connected to the sewage system by 2033 .
Till date, 26 per cent of households are connected and this number will reach 50 per cent in 2013.
The government is investing in construction sites in the regions of Quatre Bornes and Rose Hill. These projects will connect some 30,000 houses and at Quatre Bornes, 45 per cent of the work is already complete.
The project will cost around Rs 2.3 billion and will connect 13,000 houses in Quatre Bornes, Sodnac and Belle Rose. The Plaines Wilhems Sewerage Project (PWSP) is in line with the National Sewerage Project and aims to improve sanitation as well as protect public health. It also aims to safeguard the ecological and marine resources, in particular surf water and ground water. The PWSP includes two phases, 1 A and 1 B. The phase 1 A will cost Rs 2.8 billion and started in April 2010.
It consists of the installation of 103 km of a sewerage line, which will connect 13,000 houses and replace 50 km of water pipes of the Central Water Authority (CWA).